Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Joy of Walking Around - Part 2

Yes, I just can't get enough of walking around on a nice day; and every day is a nice day around here.

This is a row of small bars that parallel the Ooka River. Not much to see in the light of day and yet it becomes magically transformed into an exotic oasis of delights at night - or so I've been told.

A walker is constantly faced with decisions; when you come to a fork in the road...

Walkers come in all ages. When we pass each other in silence we make brief eye contact, exchange a slight nod of the head; we know we're walkers - members of the brotherhood. Press on in peace.

I'm sure this statue would love to go for a walk, although he looks fairly content where he is.

Like I said, press on in peace.

The pedestrian overpass in front of the Yokohama Port Customs House.

It is truly a lovely day for this sort of thing.

The view of the Yokohama skyline from the top of the International Passenger Terminal where the Ocean Liners tie up.

A pilots boat returning to home.

The top of the International Passenger Terminal. This a lovely place to stroll around. It has a spectacular view of the harbor and it's open to the public for free.

It seems to attract a lot of couples who are looking for a place to enjoy each others company.

The Yokohama Bay Bridge as seen from the top of the Terminal.

Cheerful friends enjoying Yamashita Park.

Hmmm... looks like a bit of running rust on the safety railing.

Yamashita park was created from the rubble of an earthquake in the early 1900's. They pushed the rubble into the harbor as landfill to create a park for the people to enjoy on days like this.

Still a little autumn color here and there.

Another view of the Yokohama Bay Bridge taken from the Harbor View Park.

Other sightseers in the Harbor View park.

Walking along the chic shopping street of Motomachi.

Not everyone is a walker.

Another of the four gates of China Town.

The view of the expressways and train lines near Yokohama Park.

Sometimes a pedestrian needs a place to take a short break - like my favorite coffee shop.

This place is clean, inexpensive, warm in the winter, cool in the summer and the service is excellent. Oh, and the coffee is pretty good too!

After a relaxing break and a good cup of coffee it's time to start walking again.

This museum in Bashamichi is always a welcome sight.

As the day's walk draws to an end I'm back in the alleys of Noge heading to Hinodecho train station.

My legs are tired but my spirits are high - walking is good for the heart and soul; give it a try! 
Happy New Year, and as always...

Thanks for stopping by!

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