Friday, February 3, 2017

Miurakaigan Kawazu-zakura Alert!

I went to Miurakaigan today to check the status of the Kawazu-zakura (early blooming cherry blossom trees) and I was surprised by how far along they are toward hitting their peak. So, this is a short post to alert people that if they plan to check out the Kawazu-zakura in Miurakaigan don't wait to long or they'll be past their prime.

I'd say that the trees are 40% bloomed.

Another week of sunny weather and this is going to be a pink paradise.

I love the way they plant mustard plants along the tree line to add a color contrast to the cherry blossoms.

A nice blue sky is a good color contrast too!

Brilliant yellow.

The blue train! Today I was alone on this overpass. A week from now this spot will be swamped with photographers and their tripods. Lots of luck getting a good spot to shoot. The early birds just don't move.

I went out to the nearby duck pond too.


The pond is a great place to enjoy a picnic lunch.

A few close ups.

There is also an abundance of daffodils near the pond.

And, near the Miurakaigan train station are my favorites, the yellow daffodils.

Since I didn't pack a lunch I walked down to the beach and had lunch at a family restaurant; from the window I noticed that daikon radish was hanging on racks to dry in the sun.

Miura is famous for their daikon radish.

This is terrific fun being here today.

The best way to get here is via the Keikyu train line and get off at the Miurakaigan train station. After leaving the station just keep following the train tracks and within 10 minutes or less you'll be at the Kawazu-zakura tree line.

Thanks for stopping by!

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