Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Minami Izu - A wonderful place to visit

We spent last weekend in Minami Izu (southern end of Izu peninsula). This area of Izu is famous for their beautiful beaches and rugged sea coast scenery.

The Aloe Vera is in bloom.

This stuff grows all over the place in Minami Izu.

In the distance one can see some of the sandy beaches this place is famous for,

Our first stop was to the sea port city of Shimoda.

We needed to stop by a Kimono recycle shop.

So that Emi could pick up a silk coat that was made for her from the material of an old Kimono.

After lunch we went to Toji to visit the secret sea cave.

If it wasn't for this torii gate marking the entrance one would never know the cave was here.

Follow the steps down...

...and, welcome to the enchanting sea cave.

I've posted pictures of this cave before but I wasn't satisfied with those images.

So, I decided to try again.

While I think I need to work harder to produce better images; these are a bit better than the last set I posted.

This is truly a fun place to visit.

The scenery around the outside of the cave is equally as beautiful.

Walking back to the car I passed by some squid that had recently been hung out to dry in the sun.

Last shot of Toji beach before heading to our hotel for the night.

The hotel we stayed the night in was only a one minute walk from Yumigahama beach.

In the morning before breakfast I went down to the beach and was treated to a beautiful sunrise.

It was quite spectacular!

At first it was glorious and then it turned into a normal day... sunrises are like that.

Last shot of the trip. As we walked to the car to start our journey home I took a second to snap a shot of the entrance to the hotel. We will certainly be coming back for another stay sometime in the future.
I highly recommend sightseeing in Minami Izu to anyone that has the opportunity to visit.

And, as always...
Thanks for stopping by!

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