Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Golden Week - No Vacation for me!

Golden Week has started and many people have gone on vacation. Some people have even gone to foreign countries. On the evening news they show huge crowds of people at the airports and train stations; whole families, everyone pushing a big suitcases. Yes, everyone is traveling and going somewhere exciting! Not me 😔. I'm just hanging out and doing things locally. But hey! Maybe that's not so bad. I think I'll go to Chinatown in Yokohama and see what's going on. Probably not so many people there, maybe I'll eat lunch in a nice restaurant.

Yep, not too many people in Chinatown today... wrong!

This place is packed with people.

Hmmm... maybe a big crowd of people isn't such a bad thing.

She looks great! If I dressed like that the police would arrest me for not hiding my fat gut. 

She looks determined.

The main street and all the side streets are full of people. 

However, everyone looks like they 're having a good time.

I'm having a great time!

Next day: I had so much fun yesterday I decided to go back to Yokohama again today.

Wow! They're having a parade today!!! This is great!

Even the police are moving to the sound of the marching band.

I really enjoy marching bands. 

Here come the boy scouts.

These girls are leading the way for the Kirin Beer float.

The big speakers in the front of the beer float are blaring out Billy Joel "Piano Man" and it sounds great.

Here comes the dragon.

People are lined up on both sides of the street.

This marching band was playing "Tequila" 

The weather is perfect for a parade.

With so many people watching the parade I'll go to Chinatown, there's probably nobody there; I'll find a nice restaurant and have a nice lunch.

Wrong again! This place is packed... more so than yesterday.

Crowded and full of fun!

As the crowd slowly surges forward this young girl stops and freshens up her make-up. Women are powerful, against all odds they can do anything.

The couple in black.

Chic and sophisticated. All kinds of people are here to enjoy this beautiful day.

Boy sees girl - boy likes what he sees. It's a tale as old as time.

This guy had a smartphone on the top of his stick; probably making a vlog.

The crowd seems to be getting thicker/fuller, if that's possible.

I'm going to switch my camera to monochrome. Maybe taking pictures in black & white will make me seem chic and sophisticated 😎

It's as good a time as any to drink a beer.

Happy people everywhere.

I'm sure he's happy, he's probably just good at hiding his emotions.

Well, I hate to go but I need to start working my way back to the train station to go home. Bye, bye Chinatown.

On my way back to the Hinode-cho train station I ran into the parade again in the Bashamichi district.  Man, this is a long parade.

These are the Yokohama Neckerchief girls. In case you didn't know Yokohama if famous for their Neckerchiefs. All these girls are wearing costumes made from neckerchiefs.

A crossing guard is making sure the neckerchief girls get safely across the highway so they can continue the parade in Isezaki-cho.

A marching band reforms at the beginning of the Isezaki shopping street and starts playing a Disney tune.  

Everyone one loves a Disney tune. All the people lined up on the sides of the shopping street start clapping their hands to the beat of the music. The little children are going crazy with glee at the sound of a familiar Micky Mouse song.

Last shot of the day: A Yokohama Baystars baseball team fan is waiting for the next parade group to pass by. 

The last 2 days have been so much fun. Spending Golden Week locally has been great so far. I'm looking forward to the weekend! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Bonus shots!


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