Monday, November 7, 2022

Motomachi Hyakudan Koen (100 steps Park)

 I read about this park but I couldn't find it. I also read that the 100 steps are no longer there, ruined in an earthquake never to be rebuilt. But, since I am a Yokohama history buff I had to find this park. I thought that I would eventually stumble upon it on one of my frequent photography walks; nope. I knew the general area of the park but there are no signs with arrows pointing one in the right direction. After years of not finding the 100 step park I decided today is the day!

Actually, the first thing I decided was to have a chili cheese dog with fries and coleslaw at Burger Jo's in Motomachi. And, while I was eating my chilidog I decided today was the day to find the park. BTW, Burger Jo's is a great place to eat.

So, off I set in search of the 100 steps park. As I walked up the hill I took a look back at Motomachi and Burger Jo's and I vowed I will not return until I find the park. 

After walking up and down and all around I was starting to think that the park was a myth. I stopped at a public rest room near the "Yokohama Foreign General Cemetery" (famous sightseeing spot) and outside the rest room was a large tourist map. To my surprise I found Motomachi Hyakudan Park on the map! Now we're getting somewhere! Off I went in the right direction.

One would think that I'd be good at reading maps by now. Well, I got a little confused and there I was standing at an intersection of small roads and I wasn't sure which one led to the park so I ask a young lady who was passing by which way is the 100 steps park? She didn't know so she checked google maps on her smart phone and she sent me in the wrong direction. I followed the road down a hill and wound up back in Motomachi... not good. I started back up the hill and along the way I stopped and asked a store owner where 100 steps park was. He didn't know but he had some local area tourist maps and we found it on the map and he circled it with a pen and gave it to me. Armed with the map I went back up the hill, made a sharp left turn at the top of the hill and within a few minutes... I was at the park! 

There's a photo on ceramic tiles of the original 100 steps at the entrance of the park. Very steep and straight up the hill. I read that when Ulysses S. Grant visited Japan (after his Presidency) he tried twice to ascend the steps but it was raining so hard he gave up both times - true story?

I entered the park. Funny thing about parks in Japan, there is no size limit on how small they can be. This park is really small.

One can walk all the way around the park in one minute. However, like they say, size doesn't matter, it's the quality of the park that counts. 

The park is famous for it's view of Yokohama. Well, maybe 100 years ago there was a great view, today this is what you get.

I walked slowly around trying to soak up the historical atmosphere of the place.

There's one big cherry tree, must be beautiful when it's in bloom.

Back at the park entrance. I was so proud of myself. Mission accomplished, I found the park. Now it's time to head back to Motomachi and start heading home.

Instead of going back the way I came I decided to go down these steps that were just outside the park. 

When I got to the bottom of the steps I was standing in the exact same place I was when I started this adventure. I had spent well over an hour trying to find a place that was less than 10 minutes away from Burger Jo's. That's life!

Thanks for stopping by!

Bonus shots!
A steel drum band in Yokohama Park!

Back to the random stuff!

Yokohama Grand Hotel

More random

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