Thursday, June 27, 2024

Destination - Ishikawa & Fukui Prefecture! (part 1)

This time we joined a group tour to visit Ishikawa and Fukui Prefecture.

If you've never heard of Ishikawa or Fukui Pref. and you 're interested:

One good thing about group tours is that you're forced to go places that you'd probably never ever visit in your lifetime. Places like the Kaga Fruitland!

First place to visit in Kaga Fruitland is the "Green Green Cafe" where we were given about an hour to eat all the fresh fruit we wanted. We drank coffee while everyone else mobbed the fruit bar.

Once the crowed thined out we helped ourselves.

The fruit was delicious.

There were two chocolate fountains (dark & white) to dip your strawberries in. 

There's a barbecue facility that can accommodate 350 people.

It looks pretty nice! But, our time was up and we needed to move on.

Next we visited "Tsukiusagi no Sato", a park in which friendly rabbits roam free and humans can feed and pet them. 

There's a couple of these guys too!

Like I said, group tours get people to go places they'd never visit on their own. This 2 year old girl was full of curiosity.

The truth is that the rabbit park was fun. The kids had a blast! 

Next it was time to go to Katayamazu Onsen town and check into the APA Hotel & Resort. This hotel is nice!  Hotel website 

Next morning: this was the view from our room. Our room was facing toward Lake Shibayama and we enjoyed a beautiful sunrise.

The morning sunlight softly illuminating our room.

By-the-way, our room was huge!

After our group left the hotel the first place to visit was the "Motorcar Museum of Japan".

Until this trip I wasn't aware of this museum. There are 500 cars in this building!

This is the car that was used to drive Princess Diana around whenever she would visit Japan.

There are 3 floors of cars plus a couple of mezzanine floors. When we entered the museum staff told us to go to the top floor first and work our way down.

This is one of the mezzanine floors

The cars are packed in together with almost no room between them. They said they started out with 250 cars but people keep donating cars to them and now they have 500!

An REO Speed Wagon!

This is the other mezzanine floor. This place is amazing!

Next stop is the cliffs of Tōjinbō! Internet info Tojinbo Cliffs

Most of the people immediately started walking all over the first cliff they saw, but Emi said we should walk to the end of the cliffs and slowly work our way back. It was a good idea.

We followed a well maintained trail to the end of the cliffs and then turned around here and started walking back. 

We were the only people out here, it was peaceful and beautiful.

The cliffs and rock formations are incredible.

You can see some people in the lower right side of the picture, that will give you an idea of how big the cliffs are.

People need to be careful, there are no safety barriers, if you slip and fall you will get injured.

This is a wonderful place!

The water is calm today, I'd like to come back when sea is in a rougher condition.

Other sightseers.

Tour boat.

It looks like Emi has made a new friend.

Fukui prefecture is famous for dinosaurs.

Last shot of part one: Passing by Tojinbo Tower on are way back to the tour bus.

Thanks for stopping by!

Bonus shots!