Saturday, July 23, 2022

Yokosuka - Peaceful Seascapes

 This is a shorter post than most. The other day I went for a walk along the Yokosuka coast and these are some pictures from that walk.

I think that Yokosuka is a much more beautiful place than people realize.

It has a unique coast line.

It's one of those places that people drive by and don't stop and take a moment to appreciate how nice it really is. 

Sticks and stones in the water.

If you drive along the coast you'll miss views like this.

One needs to get out and walk. Stop and look over the fence that blocks the view off passing cars.

Turn left or right and walk down the path that leads away from the main road.

If you see a bench stop and sit on it. Look at the view in front of you. It only takes a minute.

Follow the boardwalk. Listen to the sound of your feet walking on the wood walkway. Stop and look back at the view behind yourself. 

A rocky coast line is always fascinating.

Check the local tide table. When the tide is low and the rocks are poking up out of the water you'll think... wow! I never noticed how beautiful this place is.

When I walk along this small bays and inlets I often have the place to myself. It's very peaceful.

Once is not enough. Yokosuka's coastline is always there waiting for you. Visit often, pack a lunch, bring a friend... and, be happy! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Bonus shots!

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