My father says that children keep growing,
Rivers keep flowing too.
My father says he doesn't know why,
But somehow or other they do.
The funny thing about miracles is that one needs to want to see them in order to see them. Don't get so wrapped up in work that you miss out on the wonders of life.

Leave room for them and they will come.
A hundred million miracles,
A hundred million miracles are happ'ning ev'ry day,
And those who say they don't agree
Are those who do not hear or see.
A hundred million miracles,
A hundred million miracles are happ'ning ev'ry day,
The tulips are blooming in Yokohama park right now!
--Miracle of changing weather:--
When a dark blue curtain is pinned by the stars,
Pinned by the stars to the sky,
Ev'ry flow'r and tree is a treat to see,
The air is very clean and dry.
One will be a star on a day like today.
This is where dreams come true!
A hundred million miracles, a hundred million miracles,
A hundred million miracles are happ'ning ev'ry day!
The birds come and go in Yamashita park.
A swallow in Tasmania is sitting on her eggs,
And suddenly those eggs have wings and eyes and beaks and legs!
A hundred million miracles!

Wherever one looks there are things of beauty to see.
Things of beauty like the cherry blossom trees along the Ookagawa river.
A feeding frenzy - maybe it's not beautiful but it certainly is interesting.
People are beautiful too!
Think about it.
Day two of the miracle of spring: The cherry blossoms along the Ookagawa river are at their peak as we speak.
This won't last forever. Another week or so and it's over.
For right now it's a pink paradise.
I love how the tree branches reach down to the river.
A hundred million miracles are happ'ning ev'ry day,
And those who say they don't agree
Are those who do not hear or see.
Don't be that guy.

The yellow tulips are my favorites.
The greatest show on earth and the admission to the park is free.
Luckily the tulips last longer than the cherry blossoms.
When the tulips are back lit by the sun it looks like a sea of fire.
They say that white is the absence of color; I disagree.
The bigger picture.
The City of Yokohama does this every year.
Of course that's no reason to sit a home and think "I'll check it out next year".
As I walk around I notice that the number of women out enjoying this spring day far exceeds the number of men.
Do they have a better sense of the need to get out and enjoy the change of the season?
Or, is it that they have more free time than men? I'll keep that thought to myself 😅
Last shot of the day:
My father says the sun will keep rising over the eastern hill.
My father says he doesn't know why but somehow or other it will.
--It will! somehow or other it will.--
Thanks for stopping by!
Bonus shots!